Thursday, June 24, 2010

GCA is over!

So, GCA (Game Cinematic Assets) is officially over. Our turn-in time was about 46 minutes ago @ 9pm, and I am proud of the work that I turned in. What else could I have hoped for really? All I can do is my best, and try to do better on my next piece! Anyway, here is what I turned in, I hope you find it enjoyable!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My critique went well! Our Course director really liked the way I'd done the hair on the bust. He said it fit the Double-Fine style, which is perfect. I got a great reaction from everyone about it, and I feel like a million bucks! Here's some pics, enjoy!

BETA Turn-In

So, yesterday was BETA... I think it went well on my end. I got all of my new enemies finalized and in the game. However, some of the tech integration last minute did not go well, and I don't believe the enemies were actually in the turned-in build. This does not bother me, I know that they are finished, and awesome, and I intend to use them on my demo reel, regardless if they make it into the game. Which, I'm not worried about, these programmers are a smart  and tenacious bunch and I don't put it past 'em to pull off some amazing things in these last few weeks.

This morning, we went out as a team, to breakfast. I had a over hard egg, bacon, and a light, crispy waffle with powdered sugar-cinnamon sprinkled over top. It was probably the best breakfast I have had in a while. Overall today has been pretty great, so far. We have critiques today, and of course, we all fear the worse. I believe that I'm at a good point, definitely 90%. I feel pretty confident about it, but we shall see what the verdict is.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A New Landon

Mark Landon, the main character for Dark Matter, has been an incomplete character for sometime and being that I have had my mental faculties allocated to the enemies for some time, I have not had a chance to work on him [Landon]. Well, now that the enemies are finished and being integrated into the game, Landon is my next project for Dark Matter! With a fantastic building block provided by my Art Director, I already have a head start on him, and hopefully, if I remain vigilant, I can have him finished for Monday's BETA Turn-in!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A week ends...

And with it, my work on the enemies for Dark Matter. Originally, I was scheduled to have only the models and textures completed by Beta Turn-in. However, that was before my new I.P.s  realized just how much work I can get done in two weeks. So now, I have not only modeled and textured the new enemies, but rigged and animated them as well. This means that they are completely ready to go into the game and my hands are clean of them for the mean time. My next task? Pass Game Cinematic Assets! My Chaplin bust is coming along nicely and with the turn-in being thursday, I don't think I have to much to worry about. Here's to lookin' forward.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So, alot has happened...

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but alot of things have changed, and this blog needs a new start. To catch you up on the recent goings-on of my life, I will start with the cancelation of Speckt. I don't want to point fingers, but the fault was on the programmers, and there's nothing that the artists could do about it. So, my art lead and I have both been moved to team Avant-Garde. Fortunately, their character artist left in the first few months of final project, so there have been many chances for me to get my work into the game. (I will include a picture of the enemies I have created.) Secondly, I have been approved for a character demo reel! I had to fight my point with our Course Director, but I got it, and now I am working on a bust of Charlie Chaplin, stylized to fit within the Double-Fine (Brutal-Legend) art style.